December 22, 2024

5 Car Wax Don’ts You Wish You’d Known

2 min read

Did you learn your car waxing skills from the Karate Kid? Are you pressed for time and tempted to put a quick shine on the ride before tonight’s date? Both are recipes for disaster. Learn how to wax your car by avoiding five common mistakes.

  1. Don’t try to wax a dirty car

It is tempting to give the car a quick rinse and then apply the car wax. Unfortunately, it is also a surefire way for rubbing dirt and grime into the shine, which is then only that much harder to remove.

Tip: The car’s exterior must be meticulously clean; wash your car once, twice or preferably thrice.

  1. Don’t apply wax at high noon

Scorching midday heat bakes the wax onto the car’s paint. Removing it is difficult and might not actually be possible before the substance adversely affects the surface. While warm weather does make it easier to spread the waxing compound, heat dries it too fast.

Tip: Opt for a cloudy but warm day. If this is not possible, wax the car early in the morning or after dusk. The experts at Turtle Wax pinpoint the perfect car waxing temperature as falling between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. Don’t use leftover rags

Are your shop towels little more than the worn out, used up towels the wife lets you take from the house? If you are serious about a great shine and streak-free appearance for the car, there is a good chance that these towels are insufficient.

Tip: Invest in cloth diapers or terry material. Yes, there is some discussion that questions the wisdom of using cloth diapers; another material suitable for waxing is microfiber.

  1. Don’t work with one or two towels

Even if you use the highest quality terry cloth towel that you can afford, before long you will just smear the wax onto the already cleared surface. It is easy to recognize the car enthusiast with only two towels to his name: He is the one driving the nicely waxed car with all the streaks.

Tip: Have a dedicated supply of terry cloths. It is not uncommon to use seven to 10 of them, depending on the size of the vehicle.

  1. Don’t smear

Under the heading of ‘less is more,’ it is useful to remember that the wax should be applied in as thin a layer as possible. A little bit truly goes a long way. Make a mistake here, and you might just end up with so much overage that it takes hours — and dozens of towels — to remove the substance.

Tip: As a general rule of thumb, a small bead on a moist sponge is sufficient for a large surface area.

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